This shows, Izzy, you don't understand.  I am for holiness.  I am for righteousness. I am against sin.  I am also against false teaching.  Job said he was perfect but according to David he lied because a perfect person cannot admit he is perfect.  But David then says Job was perfect.  It is soooooooo easy to see the inconsistency here.  People who don't believe in the perfect thing do believe in holiness.  This doctrine falls on its head with anyone BEING AS PERFECT AS GOD.  So the doctrine has to say, perfect yes, but not in love.  Perfect yes, but not in faith, etc.  It is self-righteous to say because you don't commit a "biggie" sin, you are perfect.  YOU ARE NOT PERFECT AS GOD IS PERFECT.  IF YOU WERE, YOU WOULD BE GOD.
       This perfect thing was used in the Nazarene church with a lady I know to not allow a lady to volunteer in the Nursery because she smoked.  I SEE THIS PERFECTION DOCTRINE AS SELF-RIGHTEOUSNESS.  Notice, David, knocks all scholars, if they do not agree with him. 

Izzy wrote:
> What surprises me the most is the negative responses
> you receive--even attacks--for your stance. How can
> a Christian object to someone preaching holiness???
> How can anyone desire holiness too much???

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