Izzy wrote:
> How does one commit gluttony on only one meal/day? 

I don't know.  That's what I was asking Gary.  He seems to have a handle
on this gluttony thing.  I sure don't.

Izzy wrote:
> It seems unlikely that in one meal you could 
> consume more than your daily caloric needs.  
> ( or by gluttony do you mean just lusting about 
> food?)

No, I don't mean lusting about food.  However, a sedentary life can
cause more than one meal a day to add weight on.  I've experienced this
in that my office is connected to my bedroom, so I don't have to travel
to an office everyday to work.  One meal a day has more calories than
are necessary for sustainment in this situation.  Brain power doesn't
use many calories.  I have found that simply walking 2 miles a day is
enough exercise that more than one meal may be eaten for sustainment,
but if I don't take this walk, it seems like one meal a day is too much.
Gary had an interesting comment about "daily bread."  I'm thinking on
that one.  

Now my question was, is it gluttony simply because one intakes more
calories than he expends?  Someone might look at someone that has a few
extra pounds as being gluttonous, I suppose.  I don't know.  I'm asking.

Izzy wrote:
> When you "committed gluttony in March" was that 
> just once, or a recurring habit?  

One time thing, but the point was that this was leading me down the
wrong road and the Lord stopped me in my tracks.

Izzy wrote:
> How did you know that the Lord was chastising you? 
> What did He do?

I became sick... guess it was something like the flu.

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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