Izzy wrote:
> David, I've been meaning to ask you this. Every 
> time you get sick do you take that as a sign that 
> the Lord is chastising you? 

No.  It might just be that I haven't been walking in faith.

Izzy wrote:
> If so, do you think that whenever anyone else 
> gets ill that God is chastising them? 

Not so, so no, I do not.  If you want my view on healing, I wrote an
article back in the 1980's I think and it is posted on the website at
www.InnGlory.org, in the library section under "David Miller."  It might
help you understand where I am coming from.  I believe that both
physical and spiritual healing is provided in the work of Christ.

Izzy wrote:
> If not, what made you think your illness 
> was a related issue to "gluttony"? 

Because I don't expect to get sick anymore than I expect to sin, I seek
the Lord humbly in such situations.  It might be a case of inaction,
such as unbelief, or it might be that I have opened a door because of
sinful action.  In this particular case, I received a dream / vision
which revealed to me the door by which Satan could attack my flesh.  I
repented of my sin and was healed.

Izzy wrote:
> How do you know when something is a chastisement from the 
> Lord vs a demonic attack, for instance?

Chastisement in the form of sickness is not direct action on God's part.
Do you think God puts sickness upon people?  Which of us would chastise
our children by infecting them purposefully with disease?  What would
you think of me if you learned that I purposefully infected my children
with disease?  Surely we cannot ascribe such abhorrent actions to a holy
God.  If we being evil do not do this to our children, then neither does
a holy God do that to his children.

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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