Firebrand is right :>)
Just the wrong kind of fire.  Are you still on the road Kevin?
From: Kevin Deegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
This place gets wierder every day!

Daniel Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Dear Truth Talk Subscribers:

Joyous New Moon Greetings (see Isaiah 66) in the Matchless Name of YahShua (Jesus)!!!

A couple of days ago, Brother Chris informed me that he posted my article on Romans 7 to this forum and got two negative reactions. I then inquired what forum this was and he gave me the information.

I hope this very first email I am sending won't get me banned -- but perhaps if it does, it will be for the best.

I know I am young in the faith (25 years old) and still have MUCH to learn -- but can someone please explain to me why a female named Judy Taylor is allowed to teach and preach doctrine to other men??? Does I Timothy 2 not apply to you guys or do you have some other radically different interpretation than what Paul clearly stated in I Timothy 2???

Judy not only very laughably tried to dissect my article -- but not more than a few minutes after subscribing to this forum I see TWO MORE posts by this jezebel female trying to teach doctrine to other men.

What is wrong with you guys? I thought it was only the Messianic Jews who had problems with I Timothy 2, but now it seems like you guys do too. This is absurd.

Judy, as a man of the Holy Lamb of YahShua, I am calling you to repent of your violation of I Timothy 2. Go place yourself under the submission of your husband and let him do the posting. If you do not have a husband, then let your father do the posting. Either way, the man who owns Judy needs to step forward and take possession of his property.

I cannot believe such a blatant disregard for I Timothy 2 is tolerated on what has been MISlabelled as TruthTalk. You guys want the Truth??? How about practicing I Timothy 2 and putting a jezebel in her place.

That, at least, would be a beginning . . .

Shabbatting on this New Moon Shabbat,
Daniel John Lee

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