
Thanks for the advice, but I don't think I have a calling to do street
preaching.  And I think that women should do street preaching about as much
as I think they should do military combat. (Remember what happened to poor
HH's wife Phoebe?) 

 And I still have a hard time believing there are many people who believe in
ancient  mythical "gods" out there--hasn't Man progressed at all in
thousands of years? (Obviously not!) I also find it odd that someone as
seemingly intelligent as TPW would want to believe something that primitive.
It seems like cave-man religion to me. (Sorry TPW!) It certainly will be of
no benefit to him when he wakes up one day staring into the Face of the Lord
on Judgment Day.  


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of David Miller
Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2004 9:26 PM
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Interesting questions, Izzy.

Izzy wrote:
> TPW,  I still can't comprehend someone believing 
> the way you do.  It is as foreign to me as a man 
> from Mars.  All of my life I've heard of many
> different religions, but always thought that true 
> paganism died out with the dinosaurs, so to speak.

ROTFLOL.  Izzy, you really need to go out to a night club area sometime
and preach the gospel on the street corner.  Pagans are not at all rare.
If you try this in St. Louis, I bet you meet some pagans your first time

Christians in general need to get out and declare their faith publicly.
Then they will learn just where our society is at.  Too many Christians
stay in their bless me clubs and do not realize where society has been
going.  Then they criticize street preachers who encounter it every day
for being so hard on sin.  There are pagans, witches, and religions of
all kinds out there, and Christianity in general is in a state of
apostasy, asleep in the light so to speak.

By the way, I have enjoyed reading your exchange with Pagan Wolf.  This
really is the idea of TruthTalk, to be able to share about different
religions in a non-threatening way.  

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

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