On Feb 8, 2007, at 6:28 AM, Geoffrey Winn wrote:

Does it do any actual harm to have a branch, even if not everyone thinks
it's necessary?
I would say it depends on the purpose of the branch. If the intent is stabilization for a release where only bug fixes are introduced, then I think it is a good thing since it allows development (e.g. new features) to continue in trunk without disrupting the release. There is also the case of revolution or experimentation where people want to try out radically new ideas; it seems like sandbox is a better place for that type of work. Another case is new development on an existing codeline, e.g. SCA .95, which seems appropriate for a branch.

However, I'm not sure either of those are a goal of the current branch proposal. The list of "requirements" posted to the wiki entail a significant number of new features that are intended to be done in trunk (e.g. "support for SCA 1.0"). It doesn't seem like the goal is revolution. For example, Sebastien mentioned his criteria for integrating new code developed in trunk: "I'll be happy to synchronize with pieces of it [kernel trunk], as long as the samples and integration tests work".

Maybe someone could explain the goals of the branch? Specifically, it would help me if someone could answer a few questions:

- Is development going to take place there or is it just to "stabilize" for a release?
- If development is going to take place, is it for SCA .95 or SCA 1.0?
- Why can't new development be done in trunk? It would be particularly helpful to understand specifics so that people working in kernel and other areas can resolve them. - What code would serve as the basis of the branch? For example, M2 or another tag?

Presumably that gives the people that want stability a place
to work and at worst they've bought themselves some extra work merging back
into the main development stream later.

My previous experience (3 major occasions) has been that code branches often turn out to be more trouble than they are worth, but just occasionally they
can be the right answer.

My experience has been the same. I'd really like to understand the intent of branching a little more, and specifically how it relates to the release work already underway in trunk.


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