I've gathered all current/past issues regarding project on wiki page: http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/TUSCANYWIKI/CORBA+reference+binding+features%2C+bugs%2C+issues
Comments are always welcome.


Wojtek Janiszewski wrote:
Wojtek Janiszewski wrote:
Simon Nash wrote:
One comment inline.

6. If CORBA objects operation argument is object reference, then user should provide object which was previously obtained from binding or other CORBA object. User cannot use users-side object as an argument.

Yes. Let's don't worry object reference too much at this point. We are in the SOA world instead of distributed object :-).

This is OK if we are exposing a SCA service via CORBA.  If we are using
SCA to invoke existing CORBA services that expect object references
to be passed, we will need to come up with an approach for handling them.

I'd suggest that we start first with exposing SCA services via CORBA
as this seems to be the simplest and most useful form of integration.

Unfortunately I started earlier with reference bindings - even submitted a patch today.

My thoughts for object references are that after obtaining some remote reference, it will be enhanced by cglib and connected to users declared interface. By enhancing I mean interception of methods invocations and adding dynamic CORBA invocations. Such enhanced object could be recognizable by dynamic invocation mechanism, and it could be passed while invoking operations on remote objects.

In this solution we would have two types of CORBA objects - ones that were intentionally declared, and ones that were obtained from roots, and which are transparent. It's maybe kind of out of control by Tuscany runtime, but is there any other way to obtain and use CORBA references which are not registered in name services?


I recently submitted some code, which helps invoking remote objects. Mechanism for invoking remote CORBA objects is determining operation arguments types by Java types and I'm not sure that Java to CORBA mapping model I proposed is OK.

There is quite nice description of Java to CORBA mapping under [1]. It shows how idlj compiler creates Java structure basing on idl file and I believe we shouldn't precisely follow those rules and try to make them as simple as possible. Am I right?

1. Structures
I proposed that CORBA structures will be Java classes, with public fields and no get/set methods. So every class field is member for CORBA structure. Or maybe we should map JavaBean classes to CORBA structures?

2. Sequences and arrays
Sequences and arrays can be mapped to Java by arrays or lists. Unfortunately both CORBA types behaves bit different, additionally CORBA arrays have fixed length so there should be possibility to distinguish those types somehow. For now on I cannot find any other solution, but annotating arrays with it's target length. Any opinions?

3. Arguments with inout/out modifiers
In CORBA, operation argument value can be changed. As we know Java supports passing arguments by values only, so update on argument is not possible. Such was solved in Java by wrapping arguments in holder classes, ie:

public class IntHolder {
    public int value;

This means if user wants to get his argument updated he needs to create argument in holder class, which could be tough (maybe there are low-level techniques which allows to manipulate such arguments?).

I know I should provide some method to recognize if users class is holder for inout/out argument:
a. annotation
b. by implementing interface, ie:

public interface Holder {
    void setValue(Object value);
    Object getValue();

Or maybe there is some other solution? Which one should I choose?

I'll appreciate any comments. Just ask if you need more details.

[1] - http://members.tripod.com/gsraj/corba/chapter/


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