NBS says that ffmpeg still needs some help, so I mostly looked at that.

##### aiscm (LP: #1989369) #####

I have proposed this for removal.  Steve L did some work on this front, but it
needs a bit more upstream work and that hasn't happened yet.

##### audacity (LP: #1983862) #####

This is unfortunately in a pretty bad spot.  To complete ffmpeg 5 we need a
fixed Audacity.  Upstream just did the ffmpeg 5 relevant work recently, but
that change doesn't apply well to the current Audacity version.

Also, there was a bit of controversy around telemetry, enough to see some
community forks of Audacity started (they seem to have fizzled out).
Per https://github.com/audacity/audacity/discussions/889 upstream has indicated
an adjusted plan that is focused on error reporting and update checking, both
of which have cmake options available.  It would be prudent to verify the
telemetry claims.

While work has started to get the latest version of Audacity in Debian,
clearly more is needed as that does not yet build on Sid, let alone Kinetic.
Erich Eickmeyer and I both spent some time nudging that build forward.

About the build failures, upstream was given a relevant bug during the Impish
timeframe. https://github.com/audacity/audacity/issues/2354

On the LP I've outlined some proposals about what to do next, but it seems that
removal is likely despite it's high-profile status.

##### notcurses (LP: #1989390) #####

v3.0.7 had a test failure on s390x, upstream already resolved that.
Cherry-pick that fix, upload, and notcurses has migrated, removing one more
from the FFMPEG NBS list.

##### performous-composer (LP: #1989501) #####

I worked on performous during my last +1, and had assumed at the time that this
was the same source package, but that is not the case.

Upstream bug filed, which was responded to within the hour.  performous and
performous-composer have some shared code history, so a merge of the relevant
changes may be feasible.

##### libdlna (LP: #1989616) #####

This package was dropped from Debian a long time ago.  With no reverse depends
and upstream stating that "libldna development is currently discontinued", I
have recommended removal.

##### qtav / matrix-mirage (LP: #1989613) #####

"QtAV is no longer maintained" per

It does have a reverse dependency from matrix-mirage, which itself
pseudo-unmaintained.  Also, these packages are either Orphaned in Debian or on
their way.

Please see the LP for a longer form answer, but I believe that removal is the
right choice.

##### libde265 #####

Simply needed a no-change rebuild to let the examples package pick up the new
libswscale6.  Migrated, removing one more from the FFMPEG NBS list.

##### other ffmpeg stragglers #####

* openscenegraph (LP: #1989620) - removed from Testing, needs non-trivial
  upstream work similar to other ffmpeg 5 changes
* libopenjfx-jni (LP: #1990019) - has dodged removal from Testing as of yet,
  same story of non-trival upstream changes needed

##### kiwi vs kexec-tools (LP: #1988966) #####

One binary package on kiwi needs a kexec-tools with risc-v support, and there
is a patch floating around, but my read on the mailing list comments suggested
that we didn't want the patch yet.  Instead I have elected to drop the risc-v
build of kiwi-dracut-oem-dump, which should be restored when kexec-tools risc-v
is in order.  Uploaded and migrated.

##### dolfin vs fenics and mshr #####

Local testing indicated that mshr needed a rebuild to match the dolfin upload.
No-change rebuild uploaded for mshr, which should resolve autopkgtests for both
mshr and fenics when triggered appropriately and allow dolfin to migrate.


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