
On Wed, 18 Sep 2013 06:49:44 +0200, Thomas Petazzoni wrote:
> Dear uClibc developers,
> The last release of uClibc,, has been made well over a year
> ago. However, there is fairly big number of improvements/fixes in the
> master branch that would be interesting to have in a release. At the
> Buildroot level, we now have 53 patches in your patch stack against
> uClibc, all coming from the master branch if I'm correct (see
> http://git.buildroot.net/buildroot/tree/package/uclibc/
> It'd be really nice if uClibc adopted a slightly more frequent release
> schedule, to more easily allow downstream users to benefit from
> improvements/fixes.

Approximately 1.5 months after my initial e-mail, nothing seems to have
happened on the front of getting a release out.

Would it be possible to take the current master, and release it as
0.9.34-rc1 maybe, so we can integrate it in Buildroot for example, give
it a little bit of testing, and hopefully have a 0.9.34 release soon
after that?

I've seen both the ARC port (from Vineet) and the Xtensa NPTL support
(from Chris), but I don't think the uClibc community should wait
indefinitely for more and more features to show up and get merged
before doing a release. Let's release 0.9.34 with the current feature
set, and plan a 0.9.35 release not too late after that with the ARC
port and Xtensa NPTL support added, for example.


Thomas Petazzoni, CTO, Free Electrons
Embedded Linux, Kernel and Android engineering
uClibc mailing list

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