On Fri, 18 Jun 2004 12:19 pm, Patrick J. LoPresti wrote:
> Russell Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I know this is a terrible question to ask, but is there a timeframe
> > for dropping support for dos booting?
> Are you for or against the idea?  :-)
Well, I am sort of begging to be pro dropping the dos disk.  But that said.  
The main reason I ask the question is because we are getting more and more 
"features" that rely on the linux boot disk.  All the database support stuff 
is one big one that a lot of people will probably use.

> No, I have not given any thought to ditching the DOS boot disk.  It
> requires little maintenance and it is not holding back improvements on
> the Linux side, so apart from general principles ("less is good")
> there is not much reason to want to eliminate it.
As long as you are happy to maintain it, I'm happy to keep it, I just want to 
see what you/others were thinking about the subject.

> Also, the Linux boot disk is not quite there yet.  Getting close, but
> not quite.
What is missing from the linux boot disk that DOS does?  as I know there are a 
number of things linux does better, 1 boot, database.

Linux is missing the which drive to install on though... hmm.

> Just don't expect the DOS boot disk to get any of the fancy features
> (like obtaining username etc. from DHCP) any time soon.


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