from earlier:
Otto Scholz
Oops, sorry. "Otto Stolz".

And usually not totally sense-destroying to a human reader with context available. But these fallbacks allow clear "misspelled" words to appear, not just miscapitalized ones. That's huge.

I'm all for a capital version of ß and other such letters, but you may be talking in extremes too much. As far as real ambiguities are introduced, the loss of capitalization on the first letter introduces far more, impressionistically speaking, and they might be legally subtle; though those very sporadically occurring ones coming from "SS" are more likely to be "totally sense-destroying", yes. What I'm also saying is that it's a minor issue compared to the destruction of readability by usage of all-caps in the first place. I'd rather focus on avoiding ambiguity in written language otherwise. Those concerning syntactic structure are troublesome, for example.


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