On 28 Mar 2017, at 07:32, Martin J. Dürst <due...@it.aoyama.ac.jp> wrote:

> On 2017/03/28 01:03, Michael Everson wrote:
>> On 27 Mar 2017, at 16:56, John H. Jenkins <jenk...@apple.com> wrote:
>> The 1857 St Louis punches definitely included both the 1855 EW 𐐧 and the 
>> 1859 OI <𐐃𐐆>. Ken Beesley shows them in smoke proofs in his 2004 paper on 
>> Metafont.
> Good to have some actual examples. However, the example at hand does, as far 
> as I understand it, not necessarily support separate encoding.

Of course it does.

> While it mixes 1855 and 1859, it contains only one of the ligature variants 
> each.

It’s a smoke proof taken from some metal sorts. It shows that at least these 
two characters were in that font. 

> Indeed, it could be taken as support for the theory that the top and bottom 
> row ligatures in 
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deseret_alphabet#/media/File:Deseret_glyphs_ew_and_oi_transformation_from_1855_to_1859.svg
>  were used interchangeably, and that the 1857 St Louis punches just made one 
> particular choice of glyph selection.

"Letters to represent the same diphthong” does not mean “letters used 
interchangeably”. These letters have entirely different histories. They are not 
similar to one another. They are not “glyph variants” of one another by ANY 
measure of character identity that I have learned in two decades of this work, 
where I have examined and successfully proposed a great many characters. 
Martin, your scepticism just doesn’t convince. It seems like it’s scepticism 
for its own sake. You only have to, you know, use your EYES to see that 1855 EW 
looks NOTHING LIKE 1859 EW. Doesn’t matter if they’re used to represent the 
same sound. That doesn’t mean they’re in free variation. In fact, what it looks 
like is that early texts may use some letters, later texts may use other 
letters, and a few texts

This is a matter of SPELLING. Of the choice the author makes. It may be 
important for dating a manuscript. Representing texts as they are written is as 
important for early Deseret as it is for medieval Latin, to researchers who 
care to represent the text as it was without normalizing it to one thing or 

> What would give a strong argument would be the *concurrent* existence of 
> *corresponding* ligatures in the same font, or the concurrent (even better, 
> contrasting) use of corresponding ligatures in the same text.

Well, ain’t it just too bad that the accident of history has not left us 
complete print shops with all the fonts that were ever used for Deseret. 

The origin of these four letters as ligatures of four distinct letters with 
SHORT I is the right argument for character identity. Recognizability is also a 
strong argument. We used that when we encoded Phoenician, though some people 
argued that Semitic studies would collapse if we didn’t treat Phoenician as a 
font variant of Hebrew. 

Maybe those of you who don’t have to face the ever-moving bar of encoding 
criteria over and over again don’t remember that stuff. 

> What's interesting (weird?) is that the "1859" OI <𐐃𐐆> appears in 1857 
> punches. Time travel? Or is the label "1859" a misnomer or just a convention?

I think 1859 refers to a particular publication. 

Michael Everson

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