I'm not at all concerned about a little time/memory trade-off space. I seem to 
be caught in a bit of a catch-22 on this.  To use a list or array, I'll need to 
convert  the string to integer and then perform the look up. The only other l 
mechanisms I can think of are using ord, tables (with the trapped variable 
issue), or something like find.  Right now even with the collections these are 
from slowest to fastest: find(), ord(), integer(), table[].  

So using a table lookup of a string is probably the best option for now.  It's 
still acceptable up to about 10 billion operations. I'll probably benchmark 
integer() and list/array lookup just for comparison and in case the collections 
become a problem.

      From: Don Ward <>
 To: David Gamey <> 
Cc: Clint Jeffery <>; Unicon Group 
 Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2017 3:34 PM
 Subject: Re: [Unicon-group] Unexpected garbage collections

On 11 Apr 2017, at 16:24, David Gamey <> wrote:
The problem is instruction set and translator.  The translator is the bigger 

I guess we’re looking at from different perspectives.  The translator may, 
indeed, involve more work but the instruction set that it has to work with is 
(as Clint pointed out to me) more fundamental. In either case, for the problem 
to go away both sets of work will need to be done.

I'd thought of converting to a list as an option. I'd not considered arrays. 
I'll have to consider that. Thanks. 
The pairs are a bit strange as I need to have even and odd aligned pairs. So 
for "123" I need both 12 and 23.  It's the shear volume of digits that is the 
challenge. I only found this as I was benchmarking out to 10^11 digits.

I’m probably not understanding the subtleties of what you want to achieve. But 
to provide a look-up array that maps all possible pairs of characters to a 
number takes 256x256x(size of integer). So, even on a 64bit integer machine 
it’s only 0.5MB. And, once the array has been allocated and the values 
calculated it should place no further burden on the runtime storage allocation 
no matter how many (pairs of) digits you want to process.  If I’ve got 
completely the wrong end of the stick, just ignore me :-)

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