The problem is instruction set and translator.  The translator is the bigger 
I'd thought of converting to a list as an option. I'd not considered arrays. 
I'll have to consider that. Thanks. 

The pairs are a bit strange as I need to have even and odd aligned pairs. So 
for "123" I need both 12 and 23.  It's the shear volume of digits that is the 
challenge. I only found this as I was benchmarking out to 10^11 digits.

      From: Don Ward <>
 To: Clint Jeffery <> 
Cc: David Gamey <>; Unicon Group 
 Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2017 10:42 AM
 Subject: Re: [Unicon-group] Unexpected garbage collections
So the problem is the underlying instruction set available to the compiler: got 
Another thought on David’s problem.  Is this an Icon program or a Unicon 
program? If the latter, would using an array instead of a table get around the 
trapped variable allocation?  If the look-ups really are just two character 
strings, would it be possible to compute the index into the array from the two 
characters and just return the appropriate array element?

On 11 Apr 2017, at 14:59, Jeffery, Clint ( 
<> wrote:
Don: the compiler is as clever as you make it, but it cannot optimize away the 
trapped variables that areimplicit side effects of various VM instructions that 
it generates. It needs the cooperation of the VM inthe form of alternative 
instructions for known "read-only" uses of certain operators.
David: you are right, the hard part is modifying the translator. It is 
under-documented legacy C code dating from around 1980.I have prototyped the 
adding of the virtual machine instruction in the VM before,  it is not the 
problem.From: Don Ward <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2017 12:26:07 AM
To: Jeffery, Clint (
Cc: Unicon Group; David Gamey
Subject: Re: [Unicon-group] Unexpected garbage collections Just a thought:  Is 
the compiler clever enough to optimise away the trapped variable? It has enough 
information in principle.

On 11 Apr 2017, at 03:14, Jeffery, Clint ( 
<> wrote:
Hi David,
Good catch, you have bumped into one of my pet peeves.
Generators are often slower than non-generators, but not because of (or causing 
of) garbage collections, particularly -- they do their magic on the stack, not 
on the heaps.
Bruce is right, several Icon functions and operators such as x[y] allocate 
"trapped variables" just in case the surrounding code might want to assign to 
it.  But in many applications, structures are read from over and over and the 
trapped variables are avoidable.
On my todo-list and the Unicon help wanted list for several years now is: add 
another virtual machine instruction for x[y] when the surrounding syntax 
guarantees that it will not be assigned to, in which case the underlying code 
can avoid the heap allocation.  It is non-trivial enough that it won't get done 
on its own, someone has to volunteer, or someone has to commit some resources 
to it.  I might do it myself if ever it makes it to the top of my priority list.
Cheers,ClintFrom: David Gamey <>
Sent: Monday, April 10, 2017 6:49:28 PM
To: David Gamey; Unicon Group
Subject: Re: [Unicon-group] Unexpected garbage collections An update
My spidey senses were way off.  

Just running every vs while with no do produced zero collections. I replaced 
the call with 

every !N do    T_Digits["2"]
And the collections dropped to half. So the ?S_digits is a culprit. Wonder 
where the other half are from. 

From: David Gamey <>
To: Unicon Group <> 
Sent: Monday, April 10, 2017 9:27 PM
Subject: [Unicon-group] Unexpected garbage collections

Hi folks,
Over the years I've learned some interesting things about the garbage collector 
and some builtin functions. Usually these show up because of a combination of a 
badly understood choice and huge numbers of iterations resulting an 
"interesting" if not pathological abuse of memory. 

Once again I've stumbled upon what I think are unexpected garbage collections 
and hoped for some insight.  Some of this is just about understanding how the 
garbage collector is working as much as it is about if things could be made 

I was looking at a problem that required trillions of operations so I began 
looking at just how some of the basics performed. So I broke down the problem 
into pieces and ran some benchmarks.
This benchmark was to look at how single digit strings convert to integers.  So 
I thought of integer(x), ord(x)-48, Digits[x], find(x,digits)-1 just to see 
what happens.  Over several benchmarks and magnitudes  table is fastest, 
integer almost as fast, ord, the find taking about 160% the time.

I was surprised to see as many collections in flat code for a table lookup.  
Now I know 192 collections for 10^8 operations isn't alot but it's just a table 
   - even ?S_digits causes about 1/2 the number of collections.  But why in the 
block region?
   - The table lookup is actually fastest but it generates twice the 

My spidey senses are telling me to try this without using every but I'm just 

Here's the relevant code:

procedure main(arglist)
    every (T_Digits := table())[d := !(S_Digits := string(&digits))] := d       
    O := options(copy(arglist),"-h!-N+-ON+")
    N := \O["N"] | 10^\O["ON"] | stop("Usage: "||&progname||" [-N itteration] 
[-ON itterationmagnitude]")
    printf("\nBenchmarking with %d itterations\n",N)
        t := &time                                                    # Start 
            every !N do    T_Digits[?S_Digits]
        printf("Execution time = %d\n",&time - t)    # End measurement 
    &dump := 1

And the output from running oddcollections.exe -ON 8 run on windows 10

Benchmarking with 100000000 itterations
Unicon Version 12.3.  Feb 29, 2016
&regions {static, string, block} regions : 0, 41556459, 41556459
&collections {heap, static, string, block} regions : 0, 0, 0, 0
Execution time = 9386
&collections {heap, static, string, block} regions : 192, 0, 0, 192

I also bench marked smaller units of code like every !N do ?S_Digits
convertdigitsbench.exe  -ON 10
Benchmarking with 10000000000 itterations
&regions {static, string, block} regions : 0, 41556459, 41556459
&collections {heap, static, string, block} regions : 0, 0, 0, 0
Time for 10000000000 itterations of procedure _S_Digits       =    551978 -- 
&collections {heap, static, string, block} regions : 9634, 0, 0, 9633
Time for 10000000000 itterations of procedure _T_Digits       =    764066 -- 
delta &collections {heap, static, string, block} regions : 9634, 0, 0, 9633
Time for 10000000000 itterations of procedure _integer        =   1065958 -- 
delta &collections {heap, static, string, block} regions : 9634, 0, 0, 9633
Time for 10000000000 itterations of procedure _ord            =   1191238 -- 
delta &collections {heap, static, string, block} regions : 9634, 0, 0, 9633
Time for 10000000000 itterations of procedure _ordconst       =   1149404 -- 
delta &collections {heap, static, string, block} regions : 9634, 0, 0, 9633
Time for 10000000000 itterations of procedure _table          =   1059456 -- 
delta &collections {heap, static, string, block} regions : 19269, 0, 0, 19268
T4 := table(0)
   T4[procedure _S_Digits] := 551978
   T4[procedure _T_Digits] := 764066
   T4[procedure _integer] := 1065958
   T4[procedure _ord] := 1191238
   T4[procedure _ordconst] := 1149404
   T4[procedure _table] := 1059456
&collections {heap, static, string, block} regions : 67439, 0, 0, 67433


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