Dear Uniconers,

Lots of exciting work is getting done by the Unicon community right now.  I
hope you are having a blast.

Just to let you know: after several of you reported programs that would run
under unicon -C but only if the -fs option was used, I went ahead and asked
Ken Walker if there was any reason not to turn -fs on all the time, other
than the slightly larger code size it would entail. He indicated that
actually using string invocation (the feature -fs was written to support)
reduces the effectiveness of type inferencing, but that leaving -fs on was
fine if we don't mind the code size.

So, I turned on -fs automatically if -C is used in unicon, in our svn
repository. It allows a number of Unicon programs to compile or run
correctly that otherwise do not. But, if you encounter any problems due to
it, I want to hear about them and could change the default back if it has
any really bad side effects.  If you are using a binary distribution or
building from a .zip this change won't affect you for now.

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