Russell Jones wrote:
Uh oh. This is some serious s**t! The user interface is a bit strange at first, but this is no fly-by-night enterprise: These guys mean business! I know RS has some tricks coming up for v6, but we'll have to wait more than 6 months to find out what it is...

Should be interesting to watch what develops. If a free renderer/modeler/animator can do all of this....

Yep, it can. And lots more to go: there's a game engine which really works AND a whole package with examples & a book (you have to buy THAT from them but it's worth the price & the engine itself is FREE). Don't know if Blender can replace RS anywhere soon (I doubt it, because they rely on polygons and RS on mathematically defined primitives which is far superior as a modeling toolset) but surely there's a lot of stuff in Blender RS is still missing so you should consider it as a an ADDITION to RS. I remember that I got some severe bashing in this group some time ago when I discussed the benefits of free software under the GPL as compared to commercial solutions. Blender is the living proof of it (I gave a little contribution to the Blender Foundation some years ago to buy the commercial version of Blender free & hundreds of users worldwide did likewise & I am proud to have done so ;-)....)

There's also an effort to document the whole thing online as a set of docbook/HTML files & you can buy a thick volume of printed documentation
if you prefer THAT.

So you guys, don't you just WATCH how it develops (it HAS already developed in a usable & powerful product) but join the ranks of Blender USERS worldwide ! (leaving my soapbox for now ;-)....)

All the best for 2006 & happy rendering whatever tools you use ....

    from Wolfram

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