I may be missing your point, but as far as I can see none of those
plugins come with source code or descriptions about how they were
made. Don't get me wrong, I don't blame anyone for not wanting to
share their source code and I don't want to take anything away from
those great people who contribute to our community, it is just that I
feel that this was not a good example for your argument.

About tutorials for plugin-making, I feel that there are too few of us
who understand or are beginning to understand how the SDK works. For
me it is way too early to start writing tutorials. What I really need,
and now I'm repeating myself, is a place to discuss the problems. I
feel awkward having to ask the Realsoft staff every time I run into

By the way, I really like the layout of that page, neat idea, Robert.
(When I saw it last I think that it was early testing stage with
little to no content)

Fredrik Bergholtz

On 30/12/05, studio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > studio, you shouldn't expect that everybody that does anything with RS
> > has the time or energy to write a new manual for RS3D. Having said
> > that, I wouldn't mind having a wiki for RS stuff, or at least a
> > section about coding on the Image Contest forum. At least on a trial
> > basis, if it turns out that there is no activity in it we could
> > probably remove it again.
> > Fredrik Bergholtz
>    It would be absurd for anyone to think that everybody that does
> anything with RS has the time or energy to write a tutorial .
>    Repeating myself is normal , so here it goes again :
>    What I was trying to say was how important it would be to the
> whole RS community if we all took a slightly different approach
> to creating . That is , create our works , but then also consider
> sharing the method in a manner other than e-mail .
>    We already have people on the list who share the actual project,
> and that can really be a big help . All we have to do to learn is
> dissect the various areas of the project to see exactly how this
> 'trick' or method or workaround has been done .
>   One step further would be to write another one of the many one-
> page mini-tute's that several people have indeed taken the time
> to do . Frank , Stef , Mark , Aidan , Matthias to name a few .
>    Not everyone can , but some can and choose not to be bothered .
> Some just mail off guesses without even being bothered to start up
> RS and try their guess first . Others take the time to create really
> awesome web sites full of tutorials and links and projects and mat-
> erials etc like this one http://members.ams.chello.nl/rbroeder .
>    If you go to the 'Plugins' section of Roberts site (above) you
> will see many , many examples of people giving endless hours of
> their time to the community , for free , in most cases . Just awe-
> some .
>    Seems awefully slow around here lately . Not sure what everyone
> is doing these days with RS . Seems to be not very much . My rant
> is a weak attempt at perhaps inspiring some to pick up RS again if
> for no other reason than to share what they know , even if they don't
> feel all that much like creating 3D renderings or animations .
> studio
> www.niagara.com/~studio
> www.studiodynamics.net

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