On Sun, 19 Feb 2006 11:32:03 +0100, studio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Jyrki did some experiments some time ago - see RS web

Yes (hi Vesa) :

  As I make mention in the Planetary Tutorial ...
Jyrki did get the ball rolling with his volumetric cloud animation
tests using Mark Heuymans shader (someone please correct me if I
have my facts mixed up) .

 I did some more work in this area and the 'Mark's Marble'
renderings were a kind of result (below) .

   Really should do a tutorial about that whole era of
RS procedural experiments , since they appear to be a
bit forgotten already .



Yeah, more proof that the mailing list is very volatile. Old stuff, June 2005. The main trick was to use a steep curve to map noise turbidity to itself, to get areas of dense fog and relative clarity instead of a blurry noise.

I'm using volumetrics routinely. It's slow (maybe problematic for animations) but despite that: really useful! For example, I use a gradient fog material, getting a blue-white sky gradient and volumetric shadows at the same time.

Will be included in the -hopefully upcoming- Wiki tut.

-Mark H

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