Thanks for the links!

Forgot to mention, using XFS here, as suggested by the Cassandra wiki. But
just double checked and it's apparently not possible to disable journaling
on XFS.

One of ours sysadmin just suggested disabling journaling, since it's mostly
for recovery purposes, and Cassandra already does that pretty well with
commitlog, replication and anti-entropy. It would anyway be nice to know if
there could be any performance benefits from it. But I personally don't
think it would help much, due to the append-only nature of cassandra writes.

On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 12:43 PM, Michael Shuler <>wrote:

> On 05/20/2014 09:54 AM, Samir Faci wrote:
>> I'm not sure you'd be gaining much by doing this.  This is probably
>> dependent on the file system you're referring to when you say
>> journaling.  There's a few of them around,
>> You could opt to use ext2 instead of ext3/4 in the unix world.  A quick
>> google search linked me to this:
> ext2/3 is not a good choice for file size limitation and performance
> reasons.
> I started to search for a couple links, and a quick check of the links I
> posted a couple years ago seem to still be interesting  ;)
> 201204.mbox/
> (repost from above)
> Hopefully this is some good reading on the topic:
> one of the more interesting considerations:
> cassandra-conference
> --
> Kind regards,
> Michael

*Paulo Motta*

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