I  would see entity engine and service engine as separate modules.

Each module should have clearly defined api defining how they interact
with the outside world.  A clearly defined api will facilitate
swapping parts.  For example, the entity engine could be replaced with
a hibernate based engine as long as the api was implemented.

(also there would be a module for Birt)

On Fri, Sep 17, 2010 at 2:06 PM, BJ Freeman <bjf...@free-man.net> wrote:
> to me framework is what has not ability to interact with the real world,
> like party, but just the tools.
> so base layer is Entity and service engine.
> Next layer is Webapp and Widgets.
> next layer is Webtools
> next layer is security and common
> A person should be able to enable those things that they want for their
> application.
> chris snow sent the following on 9/17/2010 4:11 AM:
>> If you follow my instructions for 9.04 that will to a large extent
>> give you framework independence.
>> I think 9.04 makes a good basis for looking at modularising parts of
>> ofbiz.  For example, I would like to see the entity engine live in its
>> own project.  The entity engine from what I remember is currently
>> tightly tied in to performing duties such as reading configuration
>> files.  Based on this, I would next focus on giving the entity engine
>> an api for loading it's global configuration and also component
>> configurations.  That way, the entity engine could be added to ofbiz
>> as a pure jar file and be configured by some other module (e.g. a
>> configuration service).  Isolating parts of the system like the entity
>> engine has a lot of benefits.  For example, BJ Freeman has mentioned
>> improvements to the entity engine such as on the fly entity changes.
>> This would be made much easier if the entity engine was not so deeply
>> intertwined with the rest of the ofbiz code.
>> I think github would be the ideal place for hosting this kind of
>> effort.  That way non ofbiz commiters could more easily contribute.
>> On Fri, Sep 17, 2010 at 11:49 AM, james_sg<snowme...@hotmail.com>  wrote:
>>> Hi Chris,
>>> I believe framework separation is a win-win situation and things will get
>>> sorted out when the common agreement is there.
>>> I am using 9.04. For non-erp project, I have other favorite framework.
>>> -james
>>> chris snow wrote:
>>>> Hi James,
>>>> I spent a lot of time looking at this and came to the conclusion that
>>>> in 10.04 the dependencies between framework and applications became
>>>> too intertwined to make a separate 10.04 framework.  Here are some of
>>>> the pages I put together documenting my steps:
>>>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/x/eIOJ
>>>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/x/nYTW
>>>> I haven't used ofbiz for a while, however recently I started using
>>>> ofbiz 9.04 and I may take another look at using 9.04 as the basis for
>>>> some development effort to make ofbiz more modular (e.g. split the
>>>> project up maven style and make the entity engine a separate project
>>>> that can be used independently of ofbiz).  There was also a
>>>> interesting work by Raj to use OSGi to make the dependencies in ofbiz
>>>> more explicit and controllable -
>>>> https://sourceforge.net/projects/ofbiz-osgi/
>>>> David's new project is very interesting, because he will be 'vetting'
>>>> all code that gets committed, which doesn't happen with the ofbiz svn
>>>> repository.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Chris
>>>> On Fri, Sep 17, 2010 at 3:24 AM, james_sg<snowme...@hotmail.com>  wrote:
>>>>> Does anyone know the status of this?
>>>>> --james
>>>>> BJ Freeman wrote:
>>>>>> I am for standalone framework. David has been working on that project
>>>>>> for a while, if I remember correctly.
>>>>>> #2 bothers me though. The design of ofbiz was that the entity was the
>>>>>> controlling factor for creating DB and UI. I was one of the major
>>>>>> reasons I came to ofbiz.
>>>>>> That said, any work that wants to be done on UI integration that makes
>>>>>> ofbiz look classy, I think should be the focus.
>>>>>> A lot of work has been done in that area.
>>>>>> But integrating other UI interfaces that keep the design idea of the
>>>>>> entity being to controlling focus is what I would like to see.
>>>>>> I don't see ofbiz being object oriented in the normal sense.
>>>>>> I see the effort for the help files and a easily understood UI from
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> user point of view being the main factors in promoting ofbiz.
>>>>>> Chris Snow sent the following on 2/24/2010 10:47 PM:
>>>>>>> Here are some benefits of a 10.04 standalone framework release:
>>>>>>> 1) Standalone framework users would be a form of quality control
>>>>>>> helping
>>>>>>> to ensure more incorrect dependencies don't find there way into
>>>>>>> ofbiz.
>>>>>>> 2) we would be able to promote the framework in its own right thus
>>>>>>> competing with OpenERP's OpenObject platform
>>>>>>> 3) a much larger potential user base than ecommerce or erp users.
>>>>>>> Any more that I have missed?
>>>>> --
>>>>> View this message in context:
>>>>> http://ofbiz.135035.n4.nabble.com/why-we-should-have-a-10-04-standalone-framework-release-tp1568563p2543258.html
>>>>> Sent from the OFBiz - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
>>> --
>>> View this message in context:
>>> http://ofbiz.135035.n4.nabble.com/why-we-should-have-a-10-04-standalone-framework-release-tp1568563p2543697.html
>>> Sent from the OFBiz - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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