Be sure to check out SWF (

It includes In place Page Updating (through AJAX) by the use of tags. Their approach is somewhat brute force (the whole page is rendered on the server and only the parts that are marked for updating are sent to the client), but it's easy to drop in. They've even got "Struts integration" although they really don't seem to depend on Struts at all for that.

I was able to easily add a small query tool to a page that I didn't want to fully refresh.

They posted an announcement to this list a week or two ago. Search for that as it has some instructions on setting up SWF to work with Struts.

K.C. Baltz

Dakota Jack wrote:

I have been taking another look at the AJAX stuff that Frank Zammetti
has provided. This stuff is revolutionary. Someone ought to be
taking a close look at integrating such solutions, so far as it makes
sense, into Struts. This is not a passing fancy, in my estimation. This is a real solution to a persistent problem. Further, this moves
the solution to where the problem exists, on the client. I, for one,
am getting excited. I am not saying to be precipitous, so the usual
mundane warnings can be kept aside. But, this is not the usual thing.
This is a fundamental shift in architecture that makes clear sense.


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