On 27/11/23 16:01, Lionel SCHWARZ wrote:
----- Le 27 Nov 23, à 14:43, Lorenzo Di Cola <loredic...@apache.org> a écrit :

    Hi Linonel,
    yes, using PostgreSQL JSONB means you're storing audit on db, as you said about 
"auditentry" table.
    You can take care about AnySearchDAO bean, you should use the one of type 
PGJPAJSONAnySearchDAO in order to use PostgreSQL feature.

Sorry Lorenzo, I don't get your point at all, I have no idea what to do with 
this PGJPAJSONAnySearchDAO bean...

As I explained in my first message, basically what I did is:
1. activated audit for "syncope.audit.[CUSTOM]:[]:[]:[MY_EVENT]:[SUCCESS]"
2. triggered the event "MY_EVENT" somewhere in my code
3. got empty list when requesting  "/syncope/rest/audit/entries?type=CUSTOM"

So my question is: is it normal that audit for CUSTOM events are not stored ? 
(audit is fine for non-custom event type)
We have added a dedicated integration test case to check this condition:


You might also want to have a look at the class that is actually triggering a 
custom audit event, for reference:



Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

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