On Wed, 2003-08-06 at 19:11, Miguel Carvalho wrote:
> <I see you're still using the compiled sitemap engine (which is indeed
> <the default in 2.0.4). Do yourself a favor and change it to the
> <interpreted engine, Cocoon's startup time will then be much faster (this
> <can be changed in the cocoon.xconf file).
> ok, and can you give me a hand in doing this!! :( I tried to copy the
> sitemap.xmap, cocoon.xconf and web.xml from the cocoon 2.0.4 to my project
> and it didn't worked. I also copied all the libs plus the cocoon-scratchpad
> and added it to my classpath and still no good... :( but there are backups
> :)
> Could you tell me the steps that i have to go, so i can pass to the
> iterpreted engine?

it's only a change to the cocoon.xconf: comment out the following lines:

  <sitemap class="org.apache.cocoon.sitemap.SitemapManager"
           file="sitemap.xmap" reload-method="synchron"
check-reload="yes" logger="sitemap"/>

and enable the following line:
<!-- sitemap logger="sitemap"/ -->
thus change it to:
<sitemap logger="sitemap"/>

However, this will not help you with your transformer problem.

I've had a quick look at the code you sent earlier, and the problem
might be with your endElement calls, currently they are like:

super.endElement(NAMESPACE, ARTICLE_ELEMENT, "");

but you should provide a value for the qName, and your code would be
easier to read if you just pass on the values you get as arguments:

super.endElement(namespaceURI, localName, qName);

Bruno Dumon                             http://outerthought.org/
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