On Thu, 2003-08-07 at 13:07, Miguel Carvalho wrote:
> Hi, i am now trying to upgrade to 2.1rc1, but i am wondering ... what
> precautions do i need to clean up cooon a little. I just need a cocoon
> project that allows me to create a generator, and a transformer in xsp and
> java respectively. What are your sugestions? 

> do i start with the webapp
> directory /cocoon2.1rc1/src/webapp directory and start from there, do i
> build cocoon and get the jar and libs and start a new project (but here i
> will have another problem that is to achieve the right configuration to the
> sitemap and xconf) or are there any more options that i am not seing???
> oh and by the way... the compile time of cocoon in my computer was 14
> minutes, how can i tell it not to build the javadoc and maybe the samples, i
> dont know if it is possible but i would like to try and reduce a bit the
> compile time.. :)

* read the file INSTALL.TXT
* look at the files block.properties and build.properties

you can easily disable all optional cocoon functionality, and disable
building of javadocs and other stuff to optimize the build time.

For an easy setup to get "continuous integration" of your project with
newer Cocoon releases, see the following page on the wiki:

But for starters, if you keep all your stuff in your own subdirectory
with a subsitemap, and simply add one jar with your own classes to the
WEB-INF/lib dir, things should be easy enough I guess? (maybe you don't
know about subsitemaps etc. yet, in that case I recommend to investigate
the default Cocoon webapp and to browse around in the documentation and
on the wiki).

Bruno Dumon                             http://outerthought.org/
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