On 9/26/11 9:47 AM, dave boland wrote:

I'm sorry -- it looked like a web interface when I went to the page.
One question -- will I be able to post questions to the NG like I can
with Ubuntu and Mepis?  If I have all of the functionality of a regular
NG, then I'm good to go.  In the mean time, I'l have another look at

No apology necessary, Dave, I've misinterpreted/misread so many things in my life! LOL

The answer is yes, you can post.  That's how I do it.

But, I do find the overall instructions via both LO and Gmane to be confusing, at least it was to me.


Mac OS X 10.6.8
Firefox 6.0.2
Thunderbird 6.0.2
LibreOffice 3.3.3

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