At 17:58 11/03/2017 +0000, Gary Collins wrote:
I'd like to know if there is a character, preferably some sort of discrete punctuation mark, that will come *after* z in the sort order when using natural sort. My problem is that i have some codes beginning Aa which really speaking should come after Z. As a number of up to 3 digits follows the letter(s) in each case, im getting A# followed by Aa# then B# which really wont do. I have to use natural sort as i need eg A12 to come after A3. Ive tried a few punctuation characters and some special characters but i cant find one that works. Any light that can be shed on this would be very welcome indeed. I really dont want to have to precede Aa with a z if that can possibly be avoided.

These are not punctuation marks, but a bit of experimentation suggests that any Greek character, upper or lower case, will serve.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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