Second, networks. On an ipv4 based ip network, it is usual on wan links (unless they are unnumbered serial lines) to use a .252 or /30 mask with 4 addresses in the subnet (net, ip1, ip2, broadcast). Is this wise to implement in ipv6? eg use a /126 mask to allow four valid ipv6 addresses.
In that case, if I get a /48, I would need to use the first allowed block (/49 mask?) carved up into much smaller chunks, ultimately down to the /126's for wan lines.

One thing here. Remember that if you plan to use global unicast addresses, the interface id is always 64bits long, so you can not subnet beyond that.
So, if you need only 2 IPs, you have to use a /64 block, and waste (2^64-2)-2 addresses.

Maybe I'm grong but, I had to propose an addresseing plan and I did it that way.


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