Thanks for all the replies! It has taken a while to digest, unfortuantely 
I have some more questions.

I have a tunnel set up via BT Exact, the endpoint is on a Slackware Linux 
box with two physical network cards. After bringing the tunnel up and 
starting radvd I get the following addresses:-

ipv6 fe80::260:8ff:fe4e:e594/10 link

no ipv4,
ipv6 fe80::260:8ff:fe4e:e5c8/10 link
ipv6 2001:618:400:f045::/64 Global

fe80::3ee8:4e8/10 Link
2001:618:400::3ee8:4e8/128 Global

The eth0 fe80 is the link local address for this physical network, /10 
seems a large allocation?
Same for eth1.

On eth1, the 2001:618 address is the /64 subnet for the allocation I have 
via the tunnel, I am curious it ends in :: beacuse I would have thought 
this was the ipv6 equivalent of the broadcast address. If it is, do I need 
to put a host address on somehow?

On sit0, I have a 2001...../128, I asume this is the host address for the 
end of the tunnel.

Turning to dns, the tunnel endpoint runs a dns service with BIND 9.1x, I 
have added a AAAA address for to be the 
2001:.../128 endpoint address. If I use nslookup and do a set type=AAAA, 
it returns the correct answer, same for the CNAME www6, but if I just do 
nslookup phobos6.etc from the command line I am unable to resolve 
Also I have a name virtual host set up on apache 2.0x for the, again on the tunnel endpoint pc. The config file is 
syntactically correct (ie apachectl says so) but browser access time out, 
and the logs seem to show no access has been made. (assuming I have the 
logging going to the correct place).
I am assuming that because dns is failing to resolve, the browser doesnot 
know where to go for the request. Also virtual hosting will only work for 
names, so just using the raw ipv6 address gets nowhere.

Any comments welcome!!


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