
On Friday 22 June 2007 16:15:07 Ed Kapitein wrote:
> Hi Volker,
> I am missing the mask you use for the various networks.
> i think you would get it to work with a setup like this:
> A has Ipv6-Address 2001:1::1
> B has Ipv6-Address 2001:2::1
> C has Ipv6-Address 2001:3::1
> and a /64 mask
> I think in your setup al ip addresses are in the same subnet, so routing
> will not be done.

I dont think think the problem is caused by using one subnet. I am working on 
routing in wireless adhoc networks and there it can happen that routing has 
to be done in the same subnet  (not each client can hear each other because 
of the wireless connections). But nevertheless i have tried your 
configuration. Unfortunately my problem still exists. Here some outputs which 
can be usefull:

On host A:
ip -6 addr show
2: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP> mtu 16436
    inet6 ::1/128 scope host
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 2001:1::1/64 scope global
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

ip -6 route show
2001:1::/64 dev wldev  metric 256  expires -73726sec mtu 1472 advmss 1412 
hoplimit 4294967295
2001:2::/64 dev wldev  metric 1  expires -73515sec mtu 1472 advmss 1412 
hoplimit 4294967295
2001:3::/64 via 2001:2::1 dev wldev  metric 1024  expires -73397sec mtu 1472 
advmss 1412 hoplimit 4294967295
fe80::/64 dev wldev  metric 256  expires -73726sec mtu 1472 advmss 1412 
hoplimit 4294967295
ff00::/8 dev wldev  metric 256  expires -73726sec mtu 1472 advmss 1412 
hoplimit 4294967295
unreachable default dev lo  proto none  metric -1  error -101 hoplimit 255

ip -6 nei show
2001:2::1 dev wldev lladdr router REACHABLE

On host B:
ip -6 add show
2: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP> mtu 16436
    inet6 ::1/128 scope host
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 2001:2::1/64 scope global
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

ip -6 route show
2001:1::/64 dev wldev  metric 1  expires -73429sec mtu 1472 advmss 1412 
hoplimit 4294967295
2001:2::/64 dev wldev  metric 256  expires -73800sec mtu 1472 advmss 1412 
hoplimit 4294967295
2001:3::/64 dev wldev  metric 1  expires -73424sec mtu 1472 advmss 1412 
hoplimit 4294967295
fe80::/64 dev wldev  metric 256  expires -73800sec mtu 1472 advmss 1412 
hoplimit 4294967295
ff00::/8 dev wldev  metric 256  expires -73800sec mtu 1472 advmss 1412 
hoplimit 4294967295
unreachable default dev lo  proto none  metric -1  error -101 hoplimit 255

ip -6 nei show -> shows nothing

On host C:
ip -6 addr show
2: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP> mtu 16436
    inet6 ::1/128 scope host
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 2001:3::1/64 scope global
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

ip -6 route show
2001:1::/64 via 2001:2::1 dev wldev  metric 1024  expires -73651sec mtu 1472 
advmss 1412 hoplimit 4294967295
2001:2::/64 dev wldev  metric 1  expires -73701sec mtu 1472 advmss 1412 
hoplimit 4294967295
2001:3::/64 dev wldev  metric 1  expires -73544sec mtu 1472 advmss 1412 
hoplimit 4294967295
fe80::/64 dev wldev  metric 256  expires -73782sec mtu 1472 advmss 1412 
hoplimit 4294967295
ff00::/8 dev wldev  metric 256  expires -73782sec mtu 1472 advmss 1412 
hoplimit 4294967295
unreachable default dev lo  proto none  metric -1  error -101 hoplimit 255

ip -6 nei show
2001:2::1 dev wldev lladdr router REACHABLE

Here the results of some ping6:
ping6 from A to B -> works
ping6 from A to C -> Destination unreachable: Address unreachable
ping6 from B to A -> works
ping6 from B to C -> works
ping6 from C to B -> works
ping6 from C to A -> Destination unreachable: Address unreachable

When i run tcpdump on host B (while running ping6 from A to C), i can see, 
that the ping gets to host B but host B does not request the linklayeraddress 
from host C. That is what i am thinking is causing the problem. But i do not 
know why B is not requesting the linklayeraddress. 
I can get the ping6 from A to C and from C to A work when i manually add the 
linklayeraddress from A and C into the cache from B with "ip -6 neigh add 
<IPv6 address> lladdr <link-layer address> dev <device>". 

Hope you now have all information you need and you have an idea to help me.

Kind regards

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