Hi Stefan,

Maybe your dependency plugin metadata file (in local repo) isn't updated?
You could try installing the 2.0-alpha-4 version again with -DupdateReleaseInfo=true..

Hope this helps! :)


Stefan Hübner wrote:

I've run into a weird issue, while trying to make use of the
dependency-plugin's new resulve-feature.

If I invoke Maven by mvn dependency:resolve, it complains about no
goal "resolve" found in plugin. Digging into it with "-X" it becomes
clear, that Maven is using a different dependency-plugin from what I
was expecting, since it invokes

Why does Maven pick up that plugin in favour of
"org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:2.0-alpha-4", which
available from my local repo as well?

Any idea?


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