> Why? Only with dependencyManagement you're able to manage transitive
> versions.
In order to keep clean dependency graphs I have used standard OO principles to 
encasulate functionality in this case I will use spring as an example. 

Spring provided many artifacts. I have many projects that use different groups 
of spring projects so I have pulled the spring dependencies out into two 
compositions one that deals with contexts and the other persistence. 

All my projects depend upon those compositions which means that all 
aggregations end up with bottleneck in the dependency graph at the point 
where the actual spring versions are resolved. Hence no conflict in the jars 
that actually end up in aggregations. On other key thing is a careful use of 
ranges to restrict which version of the composition is pulled in. For example 
at the moment i have one for spring [2.0,2.1) and one for [2.1,2.2) its 
impossible for an aggregation via two different trees to accidentally include 
spring 2.0.6 and 2.1-beta for example as the maven dependency will complain 
of an over contrained dependency. This evangenlism is usually accompanied by 
a A2 page of dependency graph scribbles ;-)

> They are optional, so you do not depend on them transitively.
so in order to enable something thats optional i have to include those same 
dependencies myself? Rather than depend upon an artifact that will resolve 
only the dependencies I want and the correct graph for what I need?

"Optional dependencies are used when it's not really possible (for whatever 
reason) to split a project up into sub-modules. The idea is that some of the 
dependencies are only used for certain features in the project, and will not 
be needed if that feature isn't used. Ideally, such a feature would be split 
into a sub-module that depended on the core functionality project...this new 
subproject would have only non-optional dependencies, since you'd need them 
all if you decided to use the subproject's functionality."

> Commons logging has a different philosophy. But this is OT for this list.
If the difference in philosophy means more difficulty in managing dependency 
graphs then its not OT for this list but very pertinent.

On Tuesday 28 August 2007 18:03, Jörg Schaible wrote:
> Hi Michael,
> Michael McCallum wrote on Tuesday, August 28, 2007 12:34 AM:
> > IMO the log4j, logkit, avalon dependencies all need to go... I as I
> > imagine most people do only use one logging implementation in the
> > deployed systems why introduce a dependency on several
> > implementations at the top level?
> They are optional, so you do not depend on them transitively.
> > check out http://www.slf4j.com for an appropriate break up of the
> > artifacts and use cases
> Commons logging has a different philosophy. But this is OT for this list.
> > I've generally stopped using dependencyManagement in favour of
> > dependency composition
> Why? Only with dependencyManagement you're able to manage transitive
> versions.
> - Jörg
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Michael McCallum
Development Lead
Ferrit Ltd
cell: 021.576.907
aim: gholamses

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