> OK. But this will not help you, if you include another artifact that
> depends transitively on Spring or Hibernate in different versions. And
> therefore we use a company or at least a master POM for a project with a
> dependencyManagement section. This way you can overwrite the versions of
> the transitive deps.
incorrect. maven will resolve the dependencies from closest to furtherest but 
not tranverse transitions if there is a better match. So if I hide all of the 
transitions behind a composition in all cases - which means i have to exclude 
deps from 3rd party libraries in some cases - then the spring libraries are 
only resolved as transitions of composition and nothing else... as you can 
have on one instance of an artifact in the graph that gets selected there is 
on one set of transitions from the selected compositions... and voila 
consistent dependencies 

Michael McCallum
Enterprise Engineer

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