Le 8/15/13 3:21 PM, Simo Chiegang, Boris Arthur RD-P8.1 a écrit :
> Hi guys,
> I want to know, what is he difference between the constructor:
> -          NioSocketConnector() and NioSocketConnector(Processorcount)
> -          NioSocketAcceptor() and NioSocketAcceptor(Processorcount)
> In which case I use which of them?

That's a good question. In fact, those names are so misleading that we
renamed those classes in MINA 3.


NioSocketConnector is for Client side.
NioSocketAxceptor is fo Server side.

In other words, when you create a client which needs to *connect* to a
server, you use a NioConnector. And OTOH, when you write a server, whoch
will accept incoming connections, you use a NioAcceptor.

I hope it's clearer.

Emmanuel Lécharny

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