On 4/26/06, Ajit Tripathi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I tried with updating the myfaces .jar to 1.1.2 and using the snapshot
> builds of tomahawk 1.1.2 as well as 1.1.3 . In either cases I keep
> getting a

> java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:
> org.apache.myfaces.renderkit.html.util.DummyFormUtils.findNestingForm(Ljavax/faces/component/UIComponent;Ljavax/faces/context/FacesContext;)Lorg/apache/myfaces/shared_tomahawk/renderkit/html/util/FormInfo;
> Can anyone help me as to
> #  which nightly builds of tomahawk works well myfaces 1.1.2 (until
> the release of tomahawk1.1.2)?

This error appears to be caused by mixing Tomahawk 1.1.2 with MyFaces
1.1.1.   Are you sure you've removed all of the older Myfaces 1.1.1
jars from your path?   myfaces-all, myfaces-api, myfaces-impl,
myfaces-commons, myfaces-shared?

> #  How should I resolve the / by zero error in case of the myfaces1.1.1

This is always caused by a missing rows attribute in the past.   In
fact the error message generated has been improved since 1.1.1 to
specifically say that it's a missing rows attribute..   If it's not
caused by a missing rows attribute, take a look at the stack trace and
see what's causing it.

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