I am trying to start my new NiFi 2.0 installation. I have a user admin2
that has a cert. The nifi server also has a cert. Both are signed by the
same CA.

At start up in my browser I am denied due to insufficient privileges:

Unable to view the user interface. Contact the system administrator.
Insufficient Permissions     home

My authorizors.xml has been configured as follows:
        <property name="Users
        <property name="Legacy Authorized Users File"></property>
        <property name="Initial User Identity 1">C = US, ST = Virginia, L =
Reston, O = C4 Rampart, OU = NIFI, CN = admin2</property>

        <property name="User Group
        <property name="Authorizations
        <property name="Initial Admin Identity">C = US, ST = Virginia, L =
Reston, O = C4 Rampart, OU = NIFI, CN = admin2</property>
        <property name="Legacy Authorized Users File"></property>
        <property name="Node Identity 1"></property>

        <property name="Access Policy

I read that at start up, authorizations.xml and users.xml would be created
by NiFi - those files are not to be hand jammed.

So how do I actually get in with my admin2 user?
What have I overlooked on this magical mystery tour?

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