On 2/28/2013 1:42 PM, wabbott...@aol.com wrote:
Before I upload your Open oFFICE.

A. Do I get lots of marketing/advertising popups or other stuff ?

B. Will it cause trouble to my current microsoft loaded system or is it 

C. Do I have to delete or do something to get rid of Microsoft in my system?


Hi Wayne: Just chiming in here: Been using OO for years. No ads, no frill, no junk. MS, if anything, is the culprit if and when you encounter problems. These are rare and when you doencounter them you can simply delete your user prefs file in your OO programs file (search for this on the user panels). MS stays on the system. But MS is getting more and more tyrannical with third party. I believe there several class action lawsuits pending or beginning due to Gate's desire to rule the digital world. Even now I can hardly install ANYapplication, even those vetted by MS, in Win 7. I won't dare deal with Win 8.

Use the user panels. OO is a robust, better, ethical, iconic package. I require my students to use it so that they can save 100s of dollars on the mafia MS.

Any MS lovers here, get over it.  Really.

Lumina Foundation is a joke.

And don't get me started on any other unfounding foundation Gates, et. al. have.

Go with the underdog.

Look atthe ridiculous commitment and diligence, and yes, integrity of all us.

Integrity. There's a word people are paying for these days.

My two, outsourced, never used pennies,

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