Try the Font Book app. Open the application, then look up the fonts that have 
"disappeared." Click on the font and see if it is labeled as "off". If it is, 
then right-click (or two-fingered tap; or Command click) to see the context 
menu. Enable the font. Quit Font Book, and see if that worked.


> On Oct 22, 2014, at 4:15 PM, Vincent A. Juliano <> 
> wrote:
> About two months ago I upgraded my OS X from 10.6 to 10.9.6.  All went 
> well…..except that occasionally when I opened a file it would be blank.  
> Sometimes it was a new file.
> In the beginning I started deleting the empty file and then Voila’ by using 
> select all  I was able to select a different font and the information would 
> magically appear.
> It pretty much slowed down in recent days but i’m sure it will happen again 
> and at a most inopportune time. (Murphy’s law anyone?)  
> It used to occur only with Times New Roman font but now it happens with 
> different fonts. sometimes right after I correct it.
> Does any one have any idea what is happening?
> Does anyone have a fix for this problem?
> It’s Halloween here but my ghosts are computer illiterate like me so we can 
> rule them out!
> Thanks in advance

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