Nope, you're still correct. That's for TECH support, though. You can still get 
help with "How do I" problems from forums like this one, since AOO and Neo 
operate pretty much identically. There's also NeoWiki, and of course Google. 
The reason Patrick went to the $100/yr support was because he just can't let a 
minor problem pass. He's got to tinker. He was wasting so much time with small 
quibbles that he couldn't get his main work done porting OOo to the Mac. So 
$100/year it is. But you're not likely to require actual tech support unless 
there's a really weird problem, which Patrick's testing will usually catch 


> On Oct 24, 2014, at 1:54 PM, mt <> wrote:
> On 24/10/14 at 4:14 PM, (James Plante) wrote:
>> One other thing you may want to do: Download NeoOffice from the App store. 
>> On Macs, it seems to work with fewer annoyances than AOO.
> Not sure this is really true. I have used both NeoOffice and Apache 
> OpenOffice, and have opted for the latter -no regrets.
> The main issue I had with NeoOffice was the exorbitant cost of accessing 
> support - unless Patrick has changed his marketing strategy, one had to pay 
> at least $100 a year in order to be able to access the support forums.
> Happy to stand corrected if that's no longer the case!
> marina
> ---
> Italy or Australia
> MacBook Pro 2.5 GHz Intel Core i5, OS X 10.9.5
> MacBook Pro 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, OS X 10.6.8
>                    @martadiello
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