
### To download NeoOffice, do this: ###

Click the App Store icon in your dock. When the window opens, type "NeoOffice" 
in the search block in the upper right corner of the window. Click on the "Buy" 
tab at the bottom. 

If you want to keep track of the download, click on the "Purchases" tab at the 
top of the App Store window. You'll see a progress bar indicating the state of 
the download. 

When the download finishes, go to the "Downloads" folder; it should be on your 
Dock in the near vicinity of the Trash basket. Open the downloads folder, and 
double-click the NeoOffice .pkg file. It should unpack and start the 
installation dialogs. Just follow the prompts in the installation window, and 
it'll install.

After it is installed, go to the applications folder in the Finder, find, and drag the icon to the Dock. 

Click the icon in the doc, and Neo should open. (Note: It'll take some time for 
the initial opening while Neo loads all the fonts and does computer stuff in 
the background. After that, opening will take less time (I don't care to know 
why). It takes MUCH less time than MS Word to open. 

Now sit down and read all you can about Styles. See the help file, and the 
NeoWiki listings. Learn Styles well; become fluent. Styles is the heart and 
soul of the word processor, and they make life a whole lot easier. There are 
Page styles, Paragraph styles, Character styles, Frame styles, and Graphic 
styles. At least become familiar with all of them, and what they can do. Google 
"styles in NeoOffice" to see a wide assortment of articles. 

### Okay, to check up on that font problem, do this: ###

Open the Finder. Just so we're looking at the same stuff, select View -> as 
Columns (Cmd-3). 

In the left pane of the Finder window, select Applications. You should see all 
applications that are in the Applications folder listed vertically in 
alphabetical order. Scroll the column down until you see the Foot 
Double-click it. 

From this point forward, all window references will be to the Font Book menu:
The left column begins with "All Fonts." Select your language here. Under 
"Smart Collections," I have available "English" and "Fixed Width." Select 

Moving now to the second column, scroll down to see whether your "missing" 
fonts are present. They may be on your system, but are just turned off in Font 
Book. I had this problem with Mavericks having turned off my Century Schoolbook 

From here onward, I will assume that you've found the font family that went 
missing. I will further assume that it is Arial, just to provide an example. 

Select the Arial font. Now, right-click on it to show the context menu. (If 
you're using a touch pad, then a two-fingered click will do this. On a 
single-button mouse, Cmd-click will do it.) This menu provides the choice to 
Enable Arial. Select that. You want to right-click again, this time select 
"Resolve Duplicates." It sounds like you may be running into font conflicts; 
this should clear it up.

Now, quit OpenOffice and restart it. See if the above procedure fixed the 

You'll have to do this even if you download NeoOffice, because the fonts that 
are available are controlled by Yosemite, not the OO application. 

Note that NeoOffice is derived from OpenOffice's open source code. It has a 
clean Aqua interface, and is much more Mac-like than AOO. It is maintained by a 
single engineer, Patrick Luby. Technical support is available at for $100/year. You may want to consider that. I 
once had a problem with NeoOffice losing my inserted photos. I posted to the 
tech support forum, then uploaded my problem and a sample doc to Bugzilla when 
requested. Ninety minutes later, Patrick had a test patch available for 
download that fixed the problem. Doesn't get much better than that. Patrick has 
a couple of people who provide part-time help in analyzing and testing 
problems, but he's the only coder; that's why he charges $100/year. 

Since NeoOffice is a spin-off of AOO, it operates the same. But it looks 
better. With respect to document operations, what works in AOO will work in 
Neo, and vice-versa. 



> On Oct 24, 2014, at 9:37 AM, Vincent A. Juliano <> 
> wrote:
> I  am being called out and will be back in four hours.  Please hold your 
> thoughts.  I prefer to download the NeoOffice but I don;t have time and I 
> need help to do that.  thank you so much
> Vince
> On Oct 24, 2014, at 10:14 AM, James Plante <> wrote:
>> One other thing you may want to do: Download NeoOffice from the App store. 
>> On Macs, it seems to work with fewer annoyances than AOO. It is Patrick 
>> Luby's rendering of the AOO source code. Being from the App store, it 
>> automatically updates itself in the background. And it just works.
>> You don't have to remove AOO in order to use Neo. They don't conflict; their 
>> files interchange smoothly; but they don't share data like directory paths, 
>> templates, AutoText, Autocorrect or Preferences. 
>> Jim
>>> On Oct 22, 2014, at 4:15 PM, Vincent A. Juliano <> 
>>> wrote:
>>> About two months ago I upgraded my OS X from 10.6 to 10.9.6.  All went 
>>> well…..except that occasionally when I opened a file it would be blank.  
>>> Sometimes it was a new file.
>>> In the beginning I started deleting the empty file and then Voila’ by using 
>>> select all  I was able to select a different font and the information would 
>>> magically appear.
>>> It pretty much slowed down in recent days but i’m sure it will happen again 
>>> and at a most inopportune time. (Murphy’s law anyone?)  
>>> It used to occur only with Times New Roman font but now it happens with 
>>> different fonts. sometimes right after I correct it.
>>> Does any one have any idea what is happening?
>>> Does anyone have a fix for this problem?
>>> It’s Halloween here but my ghosts are computer illiterate like me so we can 
>>> rule them out!
>>> Thanks in advance
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