On 04/09/2017 11:31 PM, Dave wrote:
-------- Original Message --------
From: International Aircraft Collection <i...@iaircraft.co>
To: users@openoffice.apache.org <users@openoffice.apache.org>
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2017 05:42:41 +0000


I just lost all my work on this page.  All my years work is now gone.

Peaseeeee help me restore it. Please see attached file

Best Regards

James Smith
Hi James,

Sorry to say that there is nothing in your file to restore/recover,
because it contains nothing but 32,768 bytes of zeros. So unless you
have a backup, your work is permanently lost.

For future reference I suggest:

  1. You save your work in ODF (*_O_*pen*_D_*ocument *_F_*ormat ISO/IEC
     26300:2006 standard http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ODF), not the old
     MS Excel binary format.
     If an ODF file becomes corrupted there is more chance of recovery.

  2. If you don't already make backups of your important files, you
     should do so. There are numerous options for backing up computer
     files and many of them are free.



In addition, The "Always create a backup copy" should also be ticked. That is one of the first things I _always_ do when installing AOO.

A lot of these complaints could be solved by shipping AOO with this option ticked by default, instead of the current "opt-in" philosophy.

Note that since AOO replaces ".odt" with ".bak", rather than using the safer ".odt.bak" for the backup, there is a risk of, for example, overwriting a document backup with a spreadsheet backup of the same name. That should not happen and may be a bug. Before someone flames AOO for this, this is not unique to AOO, LibreOffice has the same "features".

Girvin Herr

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