At 00:50 06/03/2009 -0300, Pedro Izecksohn wrote:
Could you save as .doc (97/2000/XP) with OOO300m15, close it and open it again? I tried it on Windows and on Linux (Ubuntu, but heavily modified): When opening the generated .doc with OpenOffice the execution enters in an infinite loop.

The Microsoft Word Viewer complains about the structure of a table, so the .doc file is already faulty, it seems, before any attempt to reopen it in OpenOffice. The problem appears to be in Table VI-3. If I delete this or even keep the table but delete its contents- or even some of it - it will save as .doc and reopen OK (in my m15 under Windows XP). I'll leave you to discover what is irregular about the structure or content of this table.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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