Pedro Izecksohn wrote:
>   Could you save
>   as .doc (97/2000/XP) with OOO300m15, close it and open it again?
>   I tried it on Windows and on Linux (Ubuntu, but heavily modified):
>   When opening the generated .doc with OpenOffice the execution enters
> in an infinite loop.

Pedro, as others have tried this and after also coming to the same
conclusion, I tried something slightly different.

That is, I saved the above file as a Word 95 (.doc)

Having done so, the resulting .doc file opened back up into OpenOffice
intact. There was no problem with this conversion.

My OOo version is in my sig, below.

I know it does not explain the corruption, but it may be a way for you
to pass this onto MS Word users, that is, I think that even newer
versions of Word will still open Word 95 files.


Mike Dawe
OOo 3.0.1rc2 MacOSX PPC US English

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