mouss, please do a little research before you go online attacking people. Your statements about what work and don't have no backup, and go against all existing evidence today, and yet you're blasting them for lack of serious study. Try to do some yourself.

On May 19, 2008, at 11:46 AM, mouss wrote:
but anyway. I don't see what mailchannel are bringing that deserves this debate. it looks to me like this:

- they started trying to sell greeetpause. and it didn't work enough
- they moved to "slowdown" and they're trying to talk about

In both cases, they don't provide any serious study. they only show numbers that go with their claims. I don't know for others, but my logs don't seem to confirm theirs.

and the slowdown thing is based on the theory that spammers have better things to do than wait. now that we know more about botnets, this theory doesn't stand.

how long would it take to write an asynchronous smtp client?

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