All three responses are exactly right.  I checked my script and assumed
-- and we know what happens when you do that --
that since I had made no specification for case insensitive that it
would be case sensitive.  It wasn't.  I will go see why MYSQL
is doing that and make the change there.  Thank you every so much. 
Teaches me to make sure I check all the possibilities
before I start pointing a finger in teh wrong direction.  Love those

With best wishes,



Michael B. Spring
Associate Professor
Information Science and Telecommunications
Voice: (412)-624-9429 Fax: (412)-624-2788
WWW: <>
Pmail: 701B SIS Building, 135 North Bellefield
University of Pittsburgh, PA 15260

On 8/27/2013 3:28 PM, David kerber wrote:
> On 8/27/2013 3:26 PM, Propes, Barry L wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Daniel Mikusa []
>> Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2013 2:22 PM
>> To: Tomcat Users List
>> Subject: Re: Question about usernames being case insensitive
>> On Aug 27, 2013, at 2:52 PM, Michael Spring <> wrote:
>>> I have observed using tomcat 7.027 and 6.026 an issue with BASIC
>>> authentication.
>>> My intent was to have both user names and passwords be case sensitive.
>>> I know of nothing
>>> I did that would change that.  The database table is plain vanilla.
>>> Passwords are case sensitive,
>>> but upper or lower case usernames work.  Is there any way to prevent
>>> this?
>>> Operating systems are windows 7 and windows Server 2008R2 both 64 bit.
>> Have you checked to see if your database is causing this behavior? 
>> Perhaps connect directly to the DB and issue the same queries that
>> Tomcat would issue.  Then check to see if those are case insensitive.
>> Dan
>> -----------
>> This was my guess as well. Would you have some kind of procedure in
>> the DB that forces upper or lower to the username value?
> Or the db may simply be doing case-insensitive comparisons.  Mine is
> configurable for that.
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