Am 22.10.2018 um 00:43 schrieb Jerry Malcolm:
On 10/21/2018 7:27 AM, Rainer Jung wrote:

mod_http2 uses additional threads per Apache httpd process. Look for H2Workers, H2MinWorkers and H2MaxWorkers in the mod_http2 docs. By default it seems you get ThreadsPerChild normal http worker threads plus ThreadsPerChild HTTP/2 worker threads.

So the old-style assumption of mod_jk, that it is enough to provide as many backend connections per httpd process, as normal httpd worker threads are configured (ThreadsPerChild), does no longer apply for HTTP/2.

You could try increasing the mod_jk pool size (connection_pool_size) to 2*ThreadsPerChild, but you might also want to consider switching to mod_proxy.




I've done some reading up on mpm, http/2, etc.  But it's given me more questions than answers.  I need a bit of education help sorting this out.

Back to the original problem.  I need to understand these mod_jk log entries (there are hundreds of them...):

[Sun Oct 21 17:15:19 2018] [10116:5456] [warn] ajp_get_endpoint::jk_ajp_common.c (3229): Unable to get the free endpoint for worker worker1 from 64 slots

That means the size of the per process connection pool used to connect to Tomcat "worker1" is 64 and all 64 connections were busy when another one was needed. Probably this 64 was not configured by you but instead auto-sized via ThreadsPerChild (MPM sizing). From what I understand about the HTTP/2 implementation by mod_http2, you should try in doubling the number of endpoints by setting worker.worker1.connection_pool_size=128 in without changing ThreadsPerChild. Some info on the param can be found at

What you need to keep in mind: it is also possible, that the real culprit is, that already 64 connections from one Apache process to the backend were busy. That could mean, that the requests became too slow in Tomcat or more likely in your application running in Tomcat. So I would suggest you also take thread dumps, in this case of Tomcat worker1, when the above message happens frequently to find out, what those 64 concurrent requests are doing (that use up all 64 possible connections).

[Sun Oct 21 17:15:19 2018] [10116:5456] [error] jk_handler::mod_jk.c (2744): Could not get endpoint for worker=worker1 [Sun Oct 21 17:15:19 2018] [10116:5456] [info] jk_handler::mod_jk.c (2806): Service error=0 for worker=worker1

These two are just follow-up messages of the above.

a) what does a 'free endpoint' represent?  Is it an httpd thread that it can't get?  Is it a connection to Tomcat?  Something else?

Connection from a specific Apache httpd process to Tomcat. These endpoints=connections are pooled per Apache process. The number of connections can be configured via worker.WORKER_NAME.connection_pool_size.

b) it says it has 64 of whatever it's looking for.... what is a 'slot'?

Just a synonym for endpoint. By slot in that message is meant an item in the pool.

I currently have no mpm enabled.  I am running on WAMP (May2018 download).   From what I can tell after much digging, Apache Windows does not use prefork, worker, or event mpm and rather has it's own WinNT mpm.  The default config file has only two parms for WinNT. But this mpm config file is commented out by default.  I'll enable it.

Ah, Windows. So unlike Unix/Linux we do only have a single child process, which does all the work. The number 64 is the default number of threads in this child for Windows.

<IfModule mpm_winnt_module>
     ThreadsPerChild        150
     MaxConnectionsPerChild   0

OK, after that you have 150 threads in the one and only Apache httpd child process, that does all the work. mod_jk will automatically also set the number of endpoints (slots) = the connection_pool_size to 150, if not configured by you otherwise.

You suggested increasing connection_pool_size.  Is there a way to see what pool size is set to by default?  The docs talk about iis, iPlanet, etc defaults.  But it's not clear what it's set to for my default config.  Is there some kind of config dump option for mod_jk?

Configure a status worker. It has plenty of interesting info. For monitoring it is enough to configure a read-only status worker. See

You also suggested moving to mod_proxy.  You really lost me there. I found info on how to config proxy, etc.  But I couldn't find anything about how proxy differs from non-proxy.  What problem does it solve? And how would it potentially fix my issue?

mod_jk and mod_proxy are simply two different ways of connecting Apache httpd to backend Tomcats. mod_jk uses a special protocol named AJP13 (and an AJP connector in Tomcat which understands that protocol). mod_proxy simply uses HTTP or HTTPS and the normal HTTP/HTTPS connector in Tomcat. mod_jk is provided by the Tomcat project and configured mostly via, mod_proxy is provided as part of Apache httpd and configured via "normal" Proxy... httpd directives.

Sorry for all the questions.  But I'm very concerned about just shooting in the dark making all kinds of changes when I really don't know if and how it's helping or hurting.  Any education to help me understand what the fundamental problem is with 'endpoints' in the mod_jk log will be greatly appreciated.

Now that I understand that you are on Windows, the default size of 64 woker threads in total for Apache httpd is not that big. So i suggest

- enable the explicit config with 150 as you already did

- increase connection_pool_size to 300 if you are actually using HTTP/2

- enable a read-only status worker for monitoring. The number of busy endpoints can be seen under the busy column, the max number since start or statistics reset under max_busy. There are also the number of connections and max number of connections since start/statistics reset. The difference between busy and number of connections is, that a connection is counted in busy only, if it is currently being used for a request/response.

- If you are till getting errors take a few thread dumps of your backend Tomcats during the time you get errors and provide them to the mailing list, possibly after redacting things there, that you don't want public.



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