
Sadly, that line doesn't appear either with or without the option.   That appears to be a lump sum  of 4-5 minutes for the SecureRandom seed thing.  I'm getting a total accumulation of ~5 minutes.  But it's made up of a bunch of ~15-sec web starts.  See example below.  Same two lines from Catalina.out from the first boot and a second boot.

One other clue I've noted.  The quick boot occurs on an immediate stop/start.  I have noticed a couple of times in Eclipse that if I stop TC and leave it stopped for a while, it goes back to the long startup.  It sounds like something related to loading modules/jarFiles.  On an immediate restart the JVM wouldn't have time to unload modules before they are needed again.  But a new loading of some module on each web app might be what's killing it (??)

 JVM Version:           11.0.16+8-LTS
 JVM Vendor:            Red Hat, Inc.

Auto-startup of TC on EC2 startup:

28-Sep-2022 00:15:55.612 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployDirectory Deployment         of web application directory [/var/domains/] has finished in [16,991] ms   [1 example... ~20 more like it]

28-Sep-2022 00:18:40.818 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start Server startup in [306666] milliseconds

Reboot of TC

28-Sep-2022 02:28:45.854 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployDirectory Deployment        of web application directory [/var/domains/] has finished in [737] ms [1 example... ~20 more like it]

28-Sep-2022 02:28:51.476 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start Server startup in [19795] milliseconds

On 9/27/2022 8:32 PM, Neil Aggarwal wrote:
Are there perhaps
some log levels I could change that would provide more detailed
information about what step it's hung up on for loading these web apps?
I just tested this on a dev sever.
I removed the option and rebooted my server.

Once I waited for Tomcat to finish starting up, catalina.out had this line:
WARNING [main]
org.apache.catalina.util.SessionIdGeneratorBase.createSecureRandom Creation
of SecureRandom instance for session ID generation using [SHA1PRNG] took
[222,741] milliseconds.

Check if your log has something similar.

Thank you,

Neil Aggarwal, (972) 834-1565,
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