On 12.06.2009 10:43, Markus Schönhaber wrote:
> Anthony J. Biacco:
>> Hence the idea about downgrading to http 1.0. But that doesn't get me
>> the content length header still (which in itself is strange),
> No, it's not strange at all. If the length of the response body is not
> known when the response headers are sent, you obviously can't add a
> Content-Length header. That has nothing to do with the HTTP version used.

... true, but an HTTP/1.0 client can also just read until the connection
is closed. That's another way of handling content of unknown length.

BTW: IIRC, the OP mentioned mod_deflate compression. It comes last in
the response handling. I'm not totally sure, how mod_deflate changes the
headers (whether content-length is for the uncompressed or compressed
size), but I expect mod_deflate to also change content of fixed length
to chunked encoding, because in general (not small content) it does not
know the final length in advance. mod_deflate streams, i.e. it doesn't
first read the full response and then compresses.



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