André Warnier wrote:
David kerber wrote:
I've run into this before, but didn't have time to hunt down the issue. Now I do, so here goes.

I have installed both TC 6.0.24 and 5.5.28 on Windows server 2003 32-bit (into separate directories, of course). In each case, I first ran the windows installer .exe, and then unzipped the .zip package on top of it so I would have the service.bat utilities. Each one started its default service with no trouble.

I then created a service for my app with each version's service.bat (different names), which starts from a separate folder on the HD. With IDENTICAL settings, both pointing to the exact same catalina_base, the 5.5 one starts fine, and 6.0 fails to start, with the following error in stderr_20100308.log:

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina
    at Method)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.init(
    at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.main(

Much searching of documentation and faqs has not turned up an explanation of what I may be missing in the 6.0 installation, or what the configuration differences are between the two versions.

Any suggestions?

I'll take a pot-shot :
If I compare my Tomcat 5.5 and 6.0 catalina_home dirs, I see that in 5.5 there is a "shared" subdir, with 2 subdirs "classes" and "lib".
On the other hand, under 6.0 there is no "shared" subdir, only a "lib".
If these sub-directories were defined as being relative to catalina_base, that may explain your problem, no ? (In the sense that Tomcat6.0 is looking for a class under the catalina_base/lib subdir, but there is no such thing)

I'll play with that and see if I can figure out anything.

(If I understand well what you say above, catalina_base is really one one and the same directory, used for both your tomcat5.5 and tomcat6.0 trials, yes ?)

Correct, and it's different from catalina_home. Catalina_home is each version's own installation directory, and catalina_base is set the same for both installations, at "c:\TomcatClients\myapp". 5.5 works when pointing to that folder, and 6.0 does not.

Thanks for the suggestions...

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