On 12/2/10 12:34 PM, Justin Case wrote:
>> From: Pid <p...@pidster.com>
>> If the request isn't being routed to your application,  then without a
>> ROOT application the host hasn't got a mechanism to serve any  response
>> other than an error.
> Error is fine, as long it's a 404 (and not this enigmatic 400)...

400 isn't enigmatic and /is/ an error.  ;)

You can either implement a custom ErrorValve in your host, or provide a
ROOT application.  Any request to your server that doesn't match the
path of a deployed application gets directed to ROOT.  Which you don't have.

I'd suggest you make a simple empty ROOT app.  Tomcat will then serve
404s for missing URLs.  You could also customise the 404 response page
to suit.


Attachment: 0x62590808.asc
Description: application/pgp-keys

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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