On Tue, 27 Nov 2001 02:57:46 -0800, Harry Wyeth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Digestives are British crackers found in grocery stores in the cookies and
>crackers section, or at least they were when I was in the UK about ten
>years ago.  They are often round, like Ritz crackers, and wrapped in stacks
>about 20 cm high, and often somewhat crumbly in texture and somewhat sweet.

They are 'sweetmeal' biscuits, i.e. made from wholemeal four and lots
of sugar. They are available now with chocolate coating but that's not
a real digestive!

> I liked them. I don't recall if they come in SI packages. 

Biscuits have been in metric packs for years.


UK Metric Association: http://www.metric.org.uk/

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